LifeStream Healing Arts | 206-706-1895

First Fridays of the month 7:00-9:00 pm Being Peace, Speaking Peace

The quality of our lives begin with the quality of our communication. How do we connect with each other, especially if we are feeling afraid, angry, or hurt? This is a fun evening to introduce you to the basic skills of Nonviolent Communication. You will learn to express what is in your heart and mind in ways most likely to be heard. You will also learn to empathically listen to one another, without hearing blame or judgment, creating relationships based on trust, and the true joy of giving and receiving.

Thursday evenings 6:30-9:00 PM Cultivating Compassion Through Communication

This fun, experiential six week practice group is designed to deepen the spirit and skills of Nonviolent Communication, as developed by Marshall Rosenberg, PhD. In a safe, comfortable setting, you will learn skills to resolve conflict where everyone’s needs are met, and to connect more easily with others with compassion, to create the life, home, world you want.

March 8-April 5, 2013 Five Friday Mornings 9:30 AM-12:00 PM Acting Compassionately-Life Rehearsals

In this fun interactive practice group, we will use theater games and role-plays to increase our spontaneity, strengthen our Compassionate Communication skills, and increase our capacity to respond in difficult situations. We will practice expressing vulnerably our joys, desires, fears, or pain. We will work with being present to another’s pain without hearing blame or needing to fix it. We will also have opporturnity to practice our own personal situations, which often trigger painful reactions, and respond with more compassion and power.

March 30, 2013 Saturday 9 AM- 5 PM Transforming Dialogue for Women taught with Nancy Soans

In this highly experiential workshop, you will learn communication skills to live your values and dreams:
Increase connection, compassion, and effectiveness through speaking from the heart
Move through blocks to authentic communication-verbal and non-verbal
Self-connect and de-escalate power plays and bullying
Transform guilt, shame, blame through compassion and recognize the needs that drive it.
Ask clearly for what you want in ways that inspire the natural joy of giving.

April 13, 2013 Saturday 10 AM-4 PM Transforming Your Inner Critic

Do the words you sometimes say to yourself worse then those you would use on your worst enemy? Does your self-talk sometimes hold you back from fully participating in activities? Harness the energy of your inner critic through compassion, and gain clarity for what it truly wants. Learn ways to align that energy to live your values and goals.

May 11, 2012 Saturday 10 AM- 4 PM The Art of ‘No-ing

Being fully alive means being able to say YES! to what you truly want and No! to what doesn’t serve you. Being able to say and hear ‘no’ without guilt, hurt, or anger is a gateway to a more authentic relationship and life.
In this experiential workshop, you will gain more clarity in what is important to you, and removing blocks, limiting beliefs, that get in the way of your own priorities. You will gain practice in hearing the needs of others with compassion and clarity, with each person taking responsibility for their own feelings and needs and getting them met in ways that work for everyone.